Please scroll down and cast a vote for each Candidate; any Candidate’s ballot left blank will be considered a ‘no’ vote. There are no minimum or maximum ‘yes’ or ‘no’ votes. Each candidate is judged on his or her own merits. If you feel all of the Candidates meet the criteria, you may vote ‘yes’ for each. Conversely, you may vote ‘no’ for each (and, if so, please do still return your ballot, as it affects the number of ballots received versus sent percentage). Any Elector who happens to be a Candidate does not need to abstain from voting.
Each Candidate shall be assigned a score in each of the four criteria categories:
A) Swing Dance Abilities / Credentials:
(Competition Achievements / Overall Dancing Abilities, etc.)
B) Other Swing Dance Credentials / Contributions:
(Judging / Instructing / Educating / Publishing / Scoring / Event Organizing, etc.)
C) Service and Leadership Abilities:
(Serving the local or national swing dance community, Promoting swing dancing, Contributing to the growth of swing dancing, etc.)
D) Overall Character:
(Integrity, Sportsmanship, Role model, Meeting professional and financial obligations, Overall positive influence on and reflection of the swing dance community, etc.)
A maximum of 25 points can be assigned to each criteria category for a maximum total score of 100 points. A total score of 75 points or more shall be considered a ‘yes’ vote.
The number of ‘yes’ votes for each of the Candidates shall be tallied, and the Candidates shall be ranked. The top 1 to 3 ‘yes’ vote recipients, who also have a minimum 2/3 (67%) ‘yes’ votes of the total ballots returned, shall be the inductees for this year. The WSDC Board of Directors reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of inductees as extenuating circumstances may warrant. The final list of inductees shall be ratified by the WSDC Board of Directors. Any Candidates not inducted this year would, of course, continue to be eligible for nominations and candidacy in future years.
All scores and tallying results shall remain confidential. Inductions shall be announced at this year’s The Open Swing Dance Championships over Thanksgiving weekend in Burbank, CA.
Inductees shall maintain the Swing Dance Hall of Fame honor throughout their lifetime. The WSDC Board of Directors reserves the right to remove an inductee from the Hall of Fame, should future activities or actions warrant such an extreme action. The WSDC reserves the right to modify any aspect of the Hall of Fame.
Authenticate yourself with your danceapp account.