


To inspire swing dancing around the world and guide events in creating the ideal environment to promote community growth.


The World Swing Dance Council, its members, and its member events are dedicated to providing a safe, joyful, and inclusive environment for members of our dance community. We strive to demonstrate integrity, fairness, and the highest ethical standards. We commit to ensuring that all community members are welcome, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, ability, physical appearance, body size, or religion. We do not tolerate unwelcome or inappropriate behavior, harassment, or abuse – either verbally or physically.

We believe that the world of dance generally, and of swing specifically, is a welcoming and socially-supportive environment. Instances of inappropriate behavior are rare, but we all have a responsibility to build safety into events and to contribute to the well-being of the dance community.

The World Swing Dance Council requires all member events to provide and post their own Codes of Conduct, and to have appropriate plans for reporting and implementation. To assist our member events, links to several Code of Conduct examples are provided below.

What should I do if I have a concern?

Contact the event: If you witness harassment or other behavior problems at a member event, please report it to the event’s management, as directed in their posted Code of Conduct.

Contact the board: If you are uncomfortable reporting your concerns to the event’s leadership directly, or if your concerns are not heard, please contact the WSDC board.

Contact the ombudsman: Concerns about ethical conduct of members of the board may be directed to the Ombudsman Committee.