

Anthony Genatempo of Southern California

The World Swing Dance Council wishes to recognize Anthony Genatempo for his critical work in creating the original digital Points Registry database. Since the inception of the World Swing Dance Council in 1993, Annie Hirsch envisioned tracking the progress and advancement of swing dancers in a digital format. In 1996, while stationed at Los Angeles AFB, Anthony teamed with Annie and Mark Scheuffele to understand Annie’s vision, scope and requirements. After consulting his cousin Steven Diethelm for insight on database design, Anthony created a robust database to record dancers’ Jack and Jill contest results and associated points for placements — a tool that could be used to promote swing dancing by tracking a dancers’ progress. His database became the first working prototype of what is now known as the WSDC Points Registry. Over the years, the database has been updated and enhanced, but the core concepts and functionality remain. The World Swing Dance Council is indebted to Anthony for donating his time and effort toward creating the Points Registry database.